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English Department Faculty

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Albay, Stacie English 1, English 4, Ethnic Studies
Bonk, Kim Honors English 2, CSU ERWC
Capovilla, Sean English 1, English 4
Carroll, Fynn English 1, AP English Literature 
Guarienti, Kristy Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, BRO Mentor
Cope, Steven English 1, English 3
Davis, Meagan Honors English 1, English 3
Forman, Catherine English 4, Success 101
Lacoste, Alicia English 2, Honors English 2
Lathrop, Vanessa English 2, English 4
Pierce, Wendy English 3, AP English Language
Ramos, Dawnyelle CSU ERWC, Honors English 2
Reeve, Dena English 2, English 4
Shapley, Brittany AP English Language, AP Seminar, Instructional Support
Shingara, Kacie AP English Language, Credit Recovery, Film
Stravers, Kristen Honors English 1, ASB
Sturdy-Posner, Susan Speech and Debate, Speech and Debate 2
Watson, Helen ELD-1, ELD-2, Honors English 1
Weaver, Natalie English 3, Honors English 
Whited, Joel English 1, English 2