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Math Department Faculty

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Blackburn, Starlene Financial Algebra, Highlights of Calculus, Statistics
Chayo, Raymond AP Calculus, Pre-Calculus, 
Chen, Patrick IM1 Foundations, IM3, Pre-Calculus
Clemens, Kevin IM1 Foundations, IM3
Fleischmann, Alexander  IM1, AP Statistics
Fox, Elizabeth IM1, IM3
Galloway, Laura

IM1, IM2

Hower, Jenney Financial Algebra, IM2, Trigonometry
Johnson, Else IM2 Foundations, Financial Algebra, 
Johnston, Mary Financial Algebra, 
Lowe, Brandon Personal Business Math, Intervention, IM2
Mills, Patricia IM1, IM1 Foundations, Intervention
Mitchell, Robert Intervention, IM1, IM2
Nelson, Mark Pre-Calculus, IM2 Foundations
Reed, Michael IM2, IM3 Foundations
Schumacher, Caitlin AP Statistics, IM 2
Zhang, Zhiyuan IM1, IM3