Information for Parents
The Student AthleteStudent Athlete Handbooks
Student Athlete and Parent/Guardian Handbook - English
Student Athlete and Parent/Guardian Handbook - Spanish
Student Athlete and Parent/Guardian Handbook - Russian
* Please make sure you read this handbook carefully and in its entirety. *
Academic Eligibility
1. The participant must be a full-time student at their high school or middle school. Exception: Juniors and Seniors on graduation track may have a reduced schedule as long as the student is enrolled in 20 semester credits or otherwise satisfies CIF rules on enrollment.
2. Students must maintain an unweighted GPA of 2.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in enrolled courses at the conclusion of the previous grading period. Students with less than a 2.0 GPA may be placed on academic probation until the next grading period. (BP 6145, CIF 205 b.(2)) This is a one-time per year probationary status that can only be used for one grading period, within one semester and meets the criteria listed below. Students may be required to provide a periodic grade check when requested by the coach or athletic director.
A student applying for academic probation must meet the following criteria and complete an Academic Probation Application from the Athletic Director:
- A minimum of 1.5 GPA (FCUSD requirement);
- Passing at least 20 semester credits (CIF 205.B. (c) for high school only);
- No school disciplinary issues during probationary period (BP 6145).
Additional option for middle school students (to be determined by administration): a. Satisfactory citizenship in all classes; b. Complete a weekly progress check (include attendance and behavior).
3. All 8th grade students matriculating into 9th grade are immediately scholastically eligible for participation in athletic activities on a probationary status upon enrollment in high school.
4. High school athletes planning to attend Division I colleges must be sure they have fulfilled the NCAA Clearinghouse Requirements (see school counselor for details).
5. Students enrolled in an Independent Study Program must be residents of the District and be enrolled in an Independent Study Program supported through FCUSD. Parents are responsible for contacting their school of residency. Students will be reviewed on a case by cases basis to determine eligibility.
Athletic Clearance
No student will be allowed to practice or participate until:
a) EVERY form is completed and verified by the athletic director through the Athletic Clearance online application.
b) Arrangement to return or replace athletic uniforms and/or equipment that was previously issued.
1. Game Day: Non-attendance for any part of the school day may result in no participation in an event or athletic contest unless prior approval has been received from site Assistant Principal in charge of Athletics.
2. Practice: Students not attending school may not participate in practice without prior approval from the site Assistant Principal in charge of Athletics.
If your student will be participating in athletics this year, please read carefully for information regarding transportation. As we have in the past, FCUSD schools are dedicated to providing a safe means for students to travel to and from athletic events. Unlike in past years, we are facing challenges.
Like many school districts across the nation and state, we are experiencing a bus driver shortage, which may limit bus availability for athletic use. In addition, the cost of labor and gas has increased, which means transportation fees have been adjusted for athletic and activity transportation.
Beginning this school year, fees for transportation for athletics/activities are $150 for each sport per player using the buses, and $75 for each sport per player using the vans at the high school level and $75 for each sport at the middle school level.
Fees will be applied to students using District transportation.
Each of our schools is doing the best they can to secure buses for the large team sports. For some of our smaller athletic programs, the use of school vans will be prioritized. Other athletic programs may opt to have parents transport students. At the end of the year, the excess fees collected will be used to adjust rates for the following year.
There will be no transportation fee requirement for parents/guardians who transport their own student to and from events.
All the options and requirements for documentation are listed below.
Transportation options
Please see the following options for transporting student-athletes to athletic events.
District provided vehicles: Transportation fee will be paid at student account or confidential waiver request, completed and submitted to Principal’s office.
- Transportation Department and the associated league/conference often determine bus departure times.
- At the coach/advisor’s discretion, students may be signed off the return bus by the parent/guardian. If the student will be riding home with another adult, the Student Alternate Transportation Form must be on file indicating the appropriate drivers and the ACTIVITY TRANSPORTATION Sign-In/Sign-Out Sheet must be initialed by the appropriate driver.
Parent/Guardian drives their student to and from the event:
For all District-sponsored events, self-transportation or transportation provided by parents/guardians (or other adults authorized in writing by a parent or guardian) is permitted only when the driver of the vehicle has filed required transportation forms with the school office. Coaches/Supervisors are prohibited from releasing a student to self-transport or obtaining transportation from a non-parent, or guardian. No student may ride in a vehicle driven by another student, whether or not an adult is present in the vehicle. Students transported in an alternate manner fully assume the risk of harm of such transportation; the District assumes no liability or obligation associated with such methods of travel.
NOTE: On rare occasions when a bus is not available for an off-campus game/event, a coach/advisor may make arrangements for parent/guardian drivers. Parent/guardian drivers must be a cleared Category 2 Volunteer and have a Volunteer Personal Auto Use Form on file. See the Volunteer Category 2 Requirements on the school’s website or contact the school office for more information.
Traveling Expectation
All students will dress in an appropriate manner for bus trips as determined by the coach/advisor.
Personal items are the responsibility of the students. Personal electronic devices may be allowed at the coach/advisor’s discretion and at the student athlete’s risk.
Equipment / Uniforms
The Folsom Cordova Unified School District and the individual sites provide a great deal of money to maintain and purchase proper equipment. Equipment is to be handled properly for financial reasons and also to teach students responsibility.
- All equipment / uniform will be inventoried, numbered, and checked out by coaches.
- Students are responsible for the security of their equipment and uniforms.
- Students are expected to turn in the same piece(s) of equipment / uniform checked out to them.
- Equipment / uniform should be returned in the same condition as it was received, subject to any reasonable wear and tear; alterations are prohibited. Equipment and uniforms should be cleaned before being returned. Students are expected to make arrangements to have torn or ripped clothing repaired prior to turning in to the coach.
- All equipment / uniform must be returned within one week of the last game.
- Students must return or pay for all lost equipment and uniforms. In some cases, particularly with game uniforms, the replacement fee may be higher than the original purchase price because special processing and printing may be required to duplicate the uniform. When a significant amount of money is owed, arrangements for repayment can be made with the coach and the administrator.
- Students who leave a team prior to the end of the season must turn in their equipment and uniform within one week of quitting.
- Parents can opt to purchase uniforms if that option is available.
Debt Recovery Replacement of Equipment / Uniforms
Assembly Bill 1974 (AB 1974), prohibits public schools from issuing a debt for a fee. It also does not allow public schools from placing a hold on: credit for an assignment, withholding grades, transcripts, or diplomas, nor can a student be prevented from participating in extracurricular activities, club or sports.
AB 1974 does allow public schools to recover cost from students for vandalism, replacement of public school books, supplies, or property loaned to a pupil and not returned. It also allows public schools to offer nonmonetary forms of compensation to settle debt with permission of the parents / guardians.
Donations / Fundraising
Donations and fundraising are strictly voluntary and any contribution or donation may be made to support the Athletic program at each site. This is not intended to limit a student-athletes' ability to participate, nor is it a requirement to participate.
All athletic fund-raising activities shall be approved in advance by the Principal. No student shall be compelled to participate in or meet any kind of quota in a fund-raising activity, nor be required to participate in door-to-door selling. All groups wishing to be recognized by and/or affiliated with the District shall adhere to applicable State and Federal laws, including taxable income reporting requirements, when conducting fund-raising activities to benefit the school or District. Funds raised by athletic program booster clubs shall comply with the requirements established by the Board.
Booster Organizations
The Board of Education recognizes parents may wish to organize Booster Clubs for the purpose of supporting school or district programs which provide a source of positive involvement for students.
The Board requires Booster Clubs to function as organizations independent of the school district. The role of a Booster Club is to be supportive of programs rather than to influence the direction or content of programs. Athletic Booster Club shall be members of different sports organization and utilize the Athletic Booster tax identification number.
Any opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the District or school personnel. The District accepts no liability or responsibility for this program/activity.