Welcome to the FHS College & Career Center!
My name is Kelly Cederstrom and my Phone: 916-94-2400 x415133.
Hours are Monday-Thursday-Friday 8:30am - 2:30pm/ Tuesday-Wednesday 10:00am - 4:00pm.
Every student needs a post-secondary plan. The College and Career Center is here to help you create and achieve yours. Please join the College and Career Google Classroom Code:
Resources include: Click Here
Resources Located in Counseling Office- Information on universities, community colleges, CTE programs, trade schools, employment, military, summer programs, gap year, financial aid and more.
Career Planning- PathwayU assessment results reveal career matches aligning with your interests and values, helping you explore nearly 1,000 occupations. In addition, you will have access to:
- Job overviews including career descriptions, average salaries and the knowledge, skills, and abilities relevant to a job
- Find majors directly related to your career matches and level of fit
- Career and job preparation tools including writing a resume and cover letter, finding networking opportunities, and preparing for job interviews
Colleges at FHS- Speak with admissions officers during Student Activity presentations/visits. Find out who is coming to campus here- you will need your FCUSD log in to access the schedule and links. Information also available via daily bulletin, Bulldog newsletter, and periodic College & Career Center updates.
Community Programs- Information on local college fairs, workshops, presentations, most not affiliated with Folsom High. Information available for pick up at the counseling office.
Workshops- Sign up to attend a PAWS workshop on topics including resume building, interview skills, college exploration, career exploration, FAFSA and Scholarships, course planning. More information available in daily bulletin.
Career and Apprenticeship Series- Sign up to hear speakers talking about different career opportunities such as National Forest Service on wildland firefighting, construction, first responder and more. Interested in being a speaker? Please contact Kelly Cederstrom kcederst@fcusd.org.
Military Options- Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines, Navy
Internship, Training and Job Opportunities- Internship and summer program information posted to daily bulletin as information is received.
Scholarships- Information and applications for local and national scholarships available on the scholarship page.