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Challenge/Placement Test Information

Tests dates and times for 25-26 School Year are TBD.

*All transcripts from accredited institutions for Math Advancement must be brought to FHS the date of the challenge test.

Folsom High School Math Course Challenge Test vs. Verification Assessment:

Course Challenge Test: Challenge tests are offered for students who are seeking to progress and self-study in math. Students who earn an 80% (B) or higher will be placed in the next level course. The earned grade for the course challenged as well as ten credits will be placed on the student’s transcript. Once a student has challenged and passed the test with a B or higher they may not take the course for a higher grade or credit.

Verification Assessment: Students who take a summer course from an accredited institution to advance in the math sequence should research and consider their options carefully. These courses are much shorter than the full year course and may not provide enough time and practice to prepare you for the next class in high school. It is highly encouraged to take a Verification Assessment to ensure that they are adequately prepared to be successful in that class at Folsom High School. The verification assessment is given one time a year in August before the start of the new school year.

Transcripts: Students that took a math course over the summer to move to the next math course MUST bring their transcript the date of the challenge test at 8:00 am to Folsom High School Library, so we can adjust your math course for the upcoming school year.

Caution is advised! It is the student and parent's responsibility to ensure that any non-FHS course taken to satisfy a UC/CSU or NCAA subject area requirement will be accepted by the corresponding institution. Many independent study, online and distance learning courses are not approved as college preparatory-level coursework that meets the requirements established by UC/CSU Admissions and/or the NCAA Eligibility Center. Use the search engine at to view the certified UC/CSU “a-g” course list for a specific independent study, online, or distance learning program. Visit for detailed information about NCAA course requirements.